Saturday, 24 May 2008

Justification and Martin Luther

My recent essay was on on the wonderful Doctrine of Justification ,Gods saving righteousness through our faith in Christ. Justification by faith alone was Martin Luther's great spiritual and theological breakthrough. It did not come easily. He had tried everything from sleeping on hard floors and fasting to climbing a staircase in Rome while kneeling in prayer. Monasteries, disciplines, confessions, masses, absolutions, good works-all proved fruitless. Peace with God eluded him. The thought of the righteousness of God pursued him. He hated the very word "righteousness," which he believed provided a divine mandate to condemn him.
Light finally dawned for Luther as he mediated on Romans 1:17, "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith." He saw for the first time that the righteousness Paul had here in mind was not a punitive justice which condemns sinners but a perfect righteousness which God freely grants to sinners on the basis of Christ's merits, and which sinners receive by faith. Luther saw that the doctrine of justification by grace alone (sola gratia) through faith alone (per solam fidem) because of Christ alone solus Christus) was the heart of the gospel and became for him "an open door into paradise.... a gate to heaven."

This life changing grace and righteousness is free to you and I, through Christ on the cross for us

Thursday, 15 May 2008

The organisation of the Church of Scotland
An open letter to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 1967:
This appeal comes from six women who believe that they have been called to the ministry of word and sacraments, and that the time has come for the Church of Scotland to take a decision on this question. We believe that the theological principle at issue is quite simply the following: that God can and does call on women to the ordained ministry of his church.
We do not intend to argue the theological case here: that has been done many times before, and there would appear to be an increasing consensus of opinion in the churches that there is no valid theological reason against the admission of women to the ministry.
If that is so, then we venture to suggest that the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland should not delay further by merely sending the report of the Panel on Doctrine to presbyteries 'for their information.' Rather, the General Assembly itself should initiate action now, for the following reasons:
(a) The Present situation in which the Church of Scotand both ordains women to the eldership and licenses women to preach the word, but refuses to ordain women to the ministry of world and sacraments, is clearly anomalous.
(b) Within the Presbyterian tradition an increasing number of churches admits women to the ministry; twenty-two member churches of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches now ordain women.
(c) In the meantime, candidates are being lost to the Church of Scotland. At least eight women members of the Church of Scotland have become ministers of other churches; there are at the moment a number of women in the theologcial colleges, and it is not know how many others may be called.
(d) The question of the relation between the Church of Scotland and other denominations must not be allowed to obscure this issue. If the Church of Scotland is persuaded that the theological case is sound she should act, possibly in consultation with churches with whom she is aldready in conversation. Further, is not action necessary in order to avoid the anomalous situation described in the proposed Plan of Union with the Congregational Union of Scotland?
If the Church of Scotland were to reach a positive decision on this issue, then not only would individual candidates be available to her ministry, but we believe that a new freedom might be experienced at all levels of the church's life, and new patterns of ministry be worked out by men and women in partnership.
We beg that the General Assembly face the basic question - submitted in a petition in 1963, referred to the Panel on Doctrine for consideration, but not answered in their reports - viz. the reality of God's call of a woman to the ministry. If we are in error, show us our error. But if our belief is sound, then we ask that the church should take steps to remove the barrier, in order that the call may be tested of any women who may present themselves to the church as candidates for the ministry.
Claude Barbour, Ministere Feminin, Certificat d'Etudes Religieuses
Margaret Forrester, MA, BD, DCS
Elizabeth Hewat, MA, BD, PhD, DD
Mary Levison, BA, BD, DCS
Mary Weir, BA, BD
Sheila White, MA, BD, DCS

It is now 40 years since women have been ordained in the Church of Scotland. I have been looking at my call to serve Christ over the last 11 months and by Gods grace I hope to continue, learning and growing in my faith through his word . I long to serve Christ to teach of his love, compassion and greatness and answer the Gods call , even though I ask why me? In my heart it is about serving not changing opinion about women that has been done before I was born.

This morning with C.H.Spurgeon

Up early this morning about 5am it was very peaceful so had plenty of time to start the day with prayer and reflection. Read Spurgeon and just wanted to share his thoughts as it lifted my spirit and fixed my eyes on Jesus.
Isaiah 40;11
"He shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom"
He carries his lambs in his bosom,Here is boundless affection.Would he put them to his bosom if he did not love them much? Here is the tender nearness so near are they that they could not possibly be nearer.These are precious love passages between Christ and his weak ones.Here is perfect saftey in his bosom who can hurt them? They must hurt the shepherd first. Here is perfect rest and sweetest comfort. Surely we are not sufficiently sensible of the infinite tenderness of Jesus!
Spurgeons daily readings (287)

After those wonderful soothing words it was time for a chapter of Greek verbs,horse fed ,last nights dishes done,rhubarb picked for a few students,kids lunches made ,porridge on,breakfast and then the rush of our family to get to school ,college and work.

I hope you know our saviours love ,his rest and comfort today and you have time to be nearer to him

Monday, 12 May 2008

Blast from the past

Ive been listening to Tracy Chapman again after finding it ,whilst looking for a CD for my daughter. It took me back to my late teens going on a bus trip to London with my friend where the bus driver agreed to play the cassette I had. This isnt one of the songs from then but its a great song

heres the link

Friday, 9 May 2008

Counting blessings

We used to sing a great chorus at sunday school its a pretty old one .( not that I am!!) " Count your blessing name them one by one, count your blessings see what God has done"

So not having had the best couple of days with one thing and another , I thought Id share a few blessings Ive had this week

  • The freedom to pray with friends in the wonderful sunshine we are getting just now.
  • A loving husband who encourages my study and listens when I get excited about a bible passage
  • Money to pay the rent
  • Sleep and food
  • Kids that make my life interesting and fun
  • A wonderful letter of encouragment and support that came on a day when tears werent too far away
  • the oppertunity to speak to a friend about Jesus and try to answer her questions

This list is endless really as Gods love is endless

My salvation and my honour depend on God. Trust in him at all times ,O people pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge

Psalm 63;7-8

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Essay stress

Im trying to finish off an essay due in today the question "compare and contrast the kingship of David and Solomon"so Im having a 10 minute break to share some valuable advice given to me this morning !
I believe it may possibly be an Ancient Australian proverb

"if you bite of more than you can chew ,keep on chewing"

Well in reference to my essay I might be chewin this for many hours and just pray I get it over my neck before midnight!

G day !

Polly and I

Polly and I